... and check out point, line and area features by selecting / clicking and inspecting attributes!
Practice digitizing and editing of point / line / polygon (area) features with a simple online app
Frequently data sets are not digitized on screen, but eg recorded with a GPS/GNSS device (a dedicated device, or simply a smartphone). The attached track has been downloaded from http://www.bergfex.at/sommer/salzburg/touren/radfahren/36769,rund-um-den-untersberg/ and can be directly accessed at http://www.bergfex.at/downloads/gps/?type=&id=36769&fileType=gpx --- drag this or any other GPX file straight onto your ArcGIS Online map window, and try to edit / improve it!
If you have not yet completed this Esri Academy online course, now it might be a good time to do so ...
Use your university arcgis.com account, or create your personal public account (or developer account).