Links and Resources

Site: Geoinformatics - University of Salzburg
Course: Spatial Representations and Spatial Data Infrastructures
Book: Links and Resources
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Monday, 16 September 2024, 9:10 PM



1. Intro

The Sensor Observation Service (SOS) is a web service to query real-time sensor data and sensor data time series and is part of the Sensor Web. The offered sensor data comprises descriptions of sensors themselves, which are encoded in the Sensor Model Language (SensorML), and the measured values in the Observations and Measurements (O & M) encoding format. The web service as well as both file formats are open standards and specifications of the same name defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

OGC >Sensor Observation Service specifications.

2. Quick reading

To appreciate the wider context of sensor web enablement and the sensor-based monitoring of natural or (in this case) human-built environments, >>>read this article<<< by OGC president Mark Reichardt.

3. Deep dive - watch this webinar recording

52°North is offering an excellent series of webinars and makes recordings freely available.

The 2018 webinar on "How to Apply Sensor Web Technologies to Provide INSPIRE-compliant Download Services for Observation Data" offers an excellent overview and several deeper insights into the management and open availability of Sensor (Web) data.