Links and Resources

2. First steps into W*S services

bWe will spend some time exploring various online services in detail, here we get to know an experimentation server provided by Boundless, accessible via >, running an instance of >GeoServer.

From the above linked demo... page klick on LayerPreview to get a choice of different options. Don't be shy to experiment smile

Then go to 'Countries of the World', drop down the menu at the right and under WMS select eg the JPEG-PNG option. This will produce an image like below - obviously a simple raster image as you can check when you copy it into your preferred image handling software (like IrfanView). GeoServer offers a broad range of output formats for WMS >check them here!

This image was generated by a WMS request to the server, where the underlying data source was rendered and converted into an image (like a screenshot at the server) and set back to the client. When the user zooms in, the entire process has to be repeated for an enlarger subset. Obviously, this approach generates a lot of network traffic when multiple users interactively explore a geographic region.

You can also check out other format options under WMS: some, like TIFF, typically cannot be displayed by your browser and you will instead be offered a download option. Clearly, a WMS always creates a server-side image and provides this to the client, one way or another.