Section: Creating information and value from data | Spatial Analysis | Z_GIS
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Creating information and value from data
Creating information and value from data
Keep this bookmarked as a reference - anytime you want to dig deeper or explore an analytical method beyond the scope of this course, this will be your starting point!
Register, and complete this MOOC before, during or after this course depending on scheduled course offerings!
To understand empirical data sets and to gain insights into patterns and structures, we explore subsets and selectively summarize features,
(Use ArcGIS Online version) - Spatial analysis helps you to understand your world. Explore how the six categories of spatial analysis can help you answer geographic questions. Navigate these questions using the spatial analysis workflow and learn how to apply it to your own projects.
Get to know this tool for exploratory data analysis. It might be worthwhile to dig deeper if it suits your needs!
Tasks to complete this section
Check out these questions and assignments