This web platform is an educational guide for the "Project Management" course of Hermann Klug. Principles, standards, processes, methods and approaches are outlined according to the Project Management Cycle. Starting with first ideas, students will be guided from finding funding resources towards the submission of a proposal. From the implementation of a successful evaluated project towards the project phase out the main cornerstones will be explained. Due to copyrights, the course is restricted to course participants only. In case of interests on the course, please contact Hermann.Klug@plus.ac.at.

Orientation regarding structure of entire curriculum and student life at EM CDE partner universities. Integration with student cohort.
Perspectives on professional outlook and career development. Planning and design of one’s individual course of study, including specific methodology and / or domain emphases. Personal SWOT analysis and translation of outcomes into action. Written communication in science. Structuring of documents according to media and target audience. Scientific writing in English language. Adequate use and referencing of sources, empirical evidence and pertinent tools. Elementary research design. Professional ethics.
- Trainer/in: Barbara Brunner-Maresch
- Trainer/in: Stefan Lang
- Trainer/in: Josef Strobl
- Trainer/in: cde guest teacher
- Trainer/in: Dirk Tiede

See detailed information on the website: https://www.master-cde.eu/programme/internship/
As part of the CDE programme, students must complete a compulsory internship related to the programme comprising 8 weeks, which is comparable to full-time employment and corresponding to 12 ECTS points (see curriculum). The obligatory internship typically is conducted in blocked mode (1 or 2 periods) outside of course (semester) periods, but also can be completed as equivalent part-time activity. Students register for the course 651.INT in semester 2. As basis of the approval of study credit (ECTS), a written internship certificate needs to be submitted to course teachers after completion of the internship.
- Trainer/in: Barbara Brunner-Maresch
- Trainer/in: Zahra Dabiri
- Trainer/in: Stefan Lang
- Trainer/in: cde guest teacher
- Trainer/in: Dirk Tiede

Summer schools are an integrative part of the CDE study programme and a compulsory element of the curriculum. Students register for the UE International Summer Schools I+II in PLUSonline. As basis of the approval of study credit (ECTS), a written participation certificate needs to be submitted, in addition, please upload a report to your e-Portfolio. See detailed information on the website.

Master’s Thesis
Students will move to the selected specialization partner for the second academic year. All MSc theses will be co-supervised by academic faculty from at least two different partner universities, and/or mobility partner. Students may move to another mobility partner in the final semester for Master Thesis research. See https://www.master-cde.eu/programme/master-thesis/
- Trainer/in: Barbara Brunner-Maresch
- Trainer/in: Stefan Lang
- Trainer/in: Sebastien Lefevre
- Trainer/in: cde guest teacher
- Trainer/in: Vit Vozenilek
Information on student feedback meetings, including SWOT summary from Orientation Project per intake.

All Erasmus+ funded students, please add following reference to ALL CDE publications:
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (+logo)
PLUS, UBS or UPOL logos.

Supporting materials for courses taught by guest lecturers.
- Trainer/in: CDE Admin
- Trainer/in: Barbara Brunner-Maresch
- Trainer/in: Stefan Lang
- Trainer/in: Josef Strobl
- Trainer/in: cde guest teacher